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William shakespeare love quotes in english | विलियम शेक्सपियर के लव कोट्स पढ़ें इंग्लिश में

William shakespeare love quotes in english | विलियम शेक्सपियर के लव कोट्स पढ़ें इंग्लिश में

william shakespeare अंग्रेजी भाषा के प्रकांड विद्वान् कवि थे। william shakespeare की रचनाओं में एक ईश्वरीय जादू है। उन्हें एक महान नाटककार और कवि माना जाता है। उन्होंने बहुत से विषय पर अपनी रचनाओं का सृजन किया है और आज हमने अपने इस लेख में विलियम शेक्सपियर की कविताओं और नाटकों से लव कोट्स, Love Quotes का संकलन किया है। आप william shakespeare के इन लव कोट्स को इंग्लिश में पढ़ें और अपने दोस्तों के साथ भी शेयर करें। william shakespeare shayari image
William shakespeare love quotes in english | विलियम शेक्सपियर के लव कोट्स पढ़ें इंग्लिश में

William shakespeare love quotes

My bounty is as boundless as the sea
My love as deep; the more I give to thee
The more I have, for both are infinite


If thou rememb’rest not the slightest folly
That ever love did make thee run into
Thou has not loved


I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow 
than a man swear he loves me


Love is a smoke rais’d with the fume of sighs
Being purg’d, a fire sparkling in a lover’s eyes
Being vex’d, a sea nourish’d with lovers’ tears
What is it else? a madness most discreet
A choking gall and a preserving sweet

valentines day quotes shakespeare

I know no ways to mince it in love
but directly to say I love you

Shakespeare love quotes

If music be the food of love, play on
Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting
The appetite may sicken and so die


Lovers ever run before the clock


Thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings


Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul
but I do love thee, and when I love thee not
chaos is come again


I do love nothing in the world so well as you—is not that strange?

Shakespeare love shayari in english

The sight of lovers feedeth those in love


What is love? Tis not hereafter
Present mirth hath present laughter

shakespeare's quotes about love

Love is begun by time
And time qualifies the spark and fire of it


Love comforteth like sunshine after rain


Is this the generation of love? 
Hot blood, hot thoughts and hot deeds? 
Why, they are vipers. Is love a generation of vipers?

Shakespeare love quotes for her

And when love speaks, the voice of all the gods
Make heaven drowsy with the harmony


His unkindness may defeat my life
But never taint my love


A lover’s eyes will gaze an eagle blind
A lover’s ear will hear the lowest sound
When the suspicious head of theft is stopped
Love’s feeling is more soft and sensible
Than are the tender horns of cockled snails


They are in the very wrath of love, and they will go together
Clubs cannot part them


Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds
Or bends with the remover to remove
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken

Shakespeare love quotes romeo and juliet | william shakespeare famous love quotes

For to be wise and love exceeds man’s might
that dwells with gods above


This bud of love by summer’s ripening breath
May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet


Is it possible that love should of a sudden take such a hold?

love poems shakespeare quotes

Love will not be spurred to what it loathes


This bud of love by summer’s ripening breath 
may prove a beauteous flower when next we meet

Shakespeare quotes about love and life | shakespeare quotes about time and love

Alas, that love, so gentle in his view
Should be so tyrannous and rough in proof


But love, first learned in a lady’s eyes
Lives not alone immured in the brain
But, with the motion of all elements
Courses as swift as thought in every power
And gives to every power a double power
Above their functions and their offices


Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them
but not for love

best romantic shakespeare quotes

Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight
For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night


She will die if you love her not
And she will die ere she might make her love known

Shakespeare love quotes for him 

shakespeare i love you quotes

I love you with so much of my heart 
that none is left to protest


You cannot call it love, for at your age 
the heyday in the blood is tame


My love’s more richer than my tongue


A heart to love, and in that heart
Courage, to make’s love known


Excellent wetch! Perdition catch my soul
but I do love thee, and when I love thee not, chaos is come again

Romantic shakespeare quotes

In thy youth wast as true a lover
As ever sighed upon a midnight pillow


Now join hands, and with your hands your hearts


Mistress, you know yourself, down on your knees
And thank heaven, fasting, for a good man’s love


I, Beyond all limit of what else i' th' world
Do love, prize, honour you


I will not be sworn but love may transform me to an oyster

Famous love quotes shakespeare

I can express no kinder sign of love, than this kind kiss


Oh, how this spring of love resembleth
The uncertain glory of an April day
Which now shows all beauty of the Sun
And by and by a cloud takes all away


Love is a spirit all compact of fire


She loved me for the dangers I had passed
And I loved her that she did pity them

William shakespeare shayari for love in english

Sweet, above thought I love thee

Shakespeare quotes on love and friendship | true love quotes by shakespeare

Lovers can do their amorous rites by their own beauties


But are you so much in love as your rhymes speak? 
Neither rhyme nor reason can express how much


Her passions are made of nothing 
but the finest part of pure love


They do not love that do not show their love


I pray you, do not fall in love with me
For I am falser than vows made in wine

Shakespeare sad love quotes

Never durst poet touch a pen to write Until 
his ink were tempered with Love’s sighs


Doubt that the stars are fire
Doubt that the sun doth move his aides
Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love


In the spring time, the only pretty ring time
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding: 
Sweet lovers love the spring


Love sought is good, but given unsought is better


Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none

love is blind quotes shakespeare

Love is blind, and lovers cannot see
The pretty follies that themselves commit

Most romantic shakespeare quotes

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks
But bears it out even to the edge of doom
If this be error and upon me proved
I never writ, nor no man ever loved


Love is like a child, That longs for everything it can come by


Oh, love’s best habit is in seeming trust
And age in love loves not to have years told

i love you in shakespearean english

I love you more than words can wield the matter
Dearer than eyesight, space and liberty


For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings

Greatest shakespeare quotes

Love is a smoke and is made with the fume of sighs


Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 
Thou art more lovely and more temperate


Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?


O love, be moderate. Allay thy ecstasy
In measure rein thy joy


Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind

love is blind shakespeare quote

But love is blind, and lovers cannot see 
The pretty follies that themselves commit

Shakespeare love poems quotes

The stroke of death is as a lovers pinch
Which hurts and is desired


Love me! Why, it must be requited


Love goes by haps-Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps


Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues


The course of true love never did run smooth

William shakespeare sayings about love

Suffer love,--a good epithet! I do suffer love indeed
for I love thee against my will


Speak low if you speak love


I love thee. By my life, I do


There’s beggary in love that can be reckoned


In my opinion, love and quiet simplicity 
if they speak less, they say more


If music be the food of love, play on


Love can transpose to form and dignity

उम्मीद है मित्रों आपको हमारा आज का ये लेख बहुत पसंद आया होगा और अपने मित्रों के साथ शेयर करके आप लव कोट्स का आनंद लेंगे। यदि हम william shakespeare के कोई ऐसे कोट्स का संकलन नहीं कर पाए और आपको william shakespeare की कोई शायरी इंग्लिश में आती है तो हमारे साथ नीचे कमेंट करके शेयर जरूर करें। 

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